Cake4Kids Holiday Cookie Shop
Order Cake4Kids homemade cookies to bring to the office, share with friends or treat yourself.

An Evening in Mexico
Join us for a festive evening celebrating Mexican food and culture and Cake4Kids Bay Area!
Get ready for some fun on October 24, 6-8 pm with a silent auction, taco party, and Folklorico dance performance

Celebration Week Fundraiser 2022
Join us September 6-9 for our Celebration Week Fundraiser
We have an exciting celebration planned for you, complete with online silent auctions across the nation and an in-person benefit dinner and live auction in Palo Alto, California. We hope you will join us in celebrating another birthday and marking another monumental milestone — 40,000 cakes baked and delivered to underserved children in our local communities.

2021 Cake4Kids Celebration Virtual Fundraiser
Save the Date! Come celebrate with Cake4Kids at our annual virtual fundraiser for a fun evening of entertainment, fabulous auction items, and raffles!

Register Now! Cake4Kids Celebration Virtual Fundraiser 2020
Join Cake4Kids online for our 5th Annual Celebration Virtual Fundraiser on September 17, 2020 to celebrate 10 years and 20,000 cakes!

CANCELLED -- Cake-Off4Kids 2020
UPDATE — We’re sorry to announce that the 2020 Cake-Off4Kids is officially CANCELLED due to Coronavirus (COVID-19). We hope to be back next year with a in-person event, so stay tuned!